
  Director Shen Encouraged the Conscripts to Contribute Their Best Effort on the Closing Ceremony for the Division Leaders of the 51st Term of Substitute Service.

 The Substitute Service Training and Management Center, Ministry of the Interior held the closing ceremony of the 51st division leader training for the substitute service on June 7th, 2024. Center Director Shen Zhefang was present to present awards to the top three conscripts with outstanding performance, and encouraged the division leaders during his speech. We must always uphold the belief of substitute service, do our best and contribute our efforts.

The 51st phase of the division leader training for the substitute service started on June 3rd. 29 outstanding element leaders were selected from each squadron and launched a five-day division leader qualification training. All conscripts who pass the training will be assigned to each squadron to assume the position of division leader in the future. In addition to being given the leadership and management powers of district captains, their responsibilities will also be increased. Director Shen encouraged the division leader to embrace the four major beliefs of "love", "service", "responsibility" and "discipline" with self-improvement and self-requirement at all times in the future, and to continue to improve and dedicate themselves.

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Click to view picture-【替代役訓練班第51期管理幹部區隊長結訓】(英)_1[Download File]  Click to view picture-【替代役訓練班第51期管理幹部區隊長結訓】(英)_2[Download File]